"Healthy Breathing"

20€ / 920 UAH
Course description below


Phytosuppositories from plant extracts "Coltsfoot" 1 pack.
Extract Econika "Coltsfoot" 1 jar
Herbal tea Econika "Liovit Clover" 1 jar
Herbal tea Econika "Liovit Licorice double action" 1 jar
The course lasts 1 month


If, when using Econika’s basic preparations “Lukon, Ekkon, Edukond, Steviekond, etc.”, boiling water is used, then the temperature regime for Liovit extracts should not exceed 70-80 degrees. Do not pour boiling water over it.
10 days
Morning: Licorice herbal tea double action before breakfast
+ Clover herbal tea 1-2 hours after breakfast
Lunch: Coltsfoot extract 30 minutes before meals + gargling with this extract
Dinner: herbal tea Licorice double action
At night: herbal candles + Clover herbal tea
The break is 5 days. During the breaks, you can continue Liovit Herbal Tea, reducing the dosage by 2 times.
Take medications according to the following schedule:
10 days on, 5 days off.
Phytosuppositories “Coltsfoot” should be used rectally at night, 1 phytosupposite 10 days with five-day breaks.
Consume the “Coltsfoot” extract 30 minutes before. before or 1 hour after meals, brew with boiling water as a stand-alone drink or add sugar/honey to taste.
Dosage: 1g extract = 1/5 tsp. pour 50 - 150 ml of boiling water.
Drink warm 1-2 times a day between meals.
During colds, you can gargle with the extract for an anti-inflammatory effect.
Gargling solution: pour 3 g of extract into 200 ml of boiling water, add 1 tsp. alcohol Gargle with a warm solution 2-3 times a day.
Brew Econika “Liovit” herbal tea in the proportion of 1/5 teaspoon of powder per 200 ml of hot water. Leave for 3-5 minutes. Add honey and sugar to taste. Drink within 30 minutes. before or 1 hour after meals. Take 2 times a day (morning and before bed). In acute cases, the dosage is doubled.